Wednesday, December 06, 2006


今天晚上, 難得閒著, 故意讓自己坐在電腦前發呆, clickclick那。無意中看了兩段Youtube



看完之後, 很有感觸, 第一段真的如我細佬所講, 令人啞掉的片段, 想了很多很多。至於第二段嘛哈哈

Mother or Leader?

A good question to ask, you want to be a mother or a leader?
If you know your vision, why you are still here?
The case is similar to the cancellation of “守望”, both serving on the mouth instead of practice.
We bullshit to comfort ourselves, even we know they are all bullshit.
DyDy, you have written the mail, then send it.
I promise I support you.
You know me well.
We are members of CRAZY FAMILY.
I am not the people who are planning a lot on comfort anyone.
Go Ahead!